Abstract Dice Riding
Number of Players
Recommended Ages
Time to Play
30 minutes
Mechanics Used
Dice Rolling, Memory, Beer and Pretzel
Elevator Pitch
Completion Status
After a horrible crash, all your airship components are scattered across a vast wasteland. It's now a race to recover all your components before the other players.
Complete. Ready for publishing. Planned revision.
After the crash comes the cleanup...
I took some of the most gamerly reviled titles and mixed them up in a strange, strange brew and came up with something I enjoy. Scrapland Scramble is a game where, after a crash, airship components lay scattered across a massive field of junk so players are trying to recover their components components before their opponents can beat them to it.
This begins with a set of three dice. Each player rolls the dice and tries to come up with a combination of three different icons. This will tell them which color token they can attempt to retrieve. If they fail this roll, well, they got a chance to pay close attention to other players in the next phase.
Each player (if they can), puts their finger on a component and reveals it at the same time. Now, if the component belongs to their airship, they add it to their mat but if it belongs to someone else or it's useless junk, that piece goes back to the field. So now you have a component to your airship. Each component has different special abilities like the rudder allows you to push a token through the scrapland. In other words, your components are griefing tools.
Admittedly, the history of this game was me trying to find an interesting way to make a Steampunk Game for the Steampunk Game Design Contest at The Game Crafter (making finalist, btw). So I messed around with the concept of mixing Yahtzee with Memory with special abilities. Wait, wait... where are you going? It's good, I swear!
At least it was after I fixed it, sent it off to Father Geek for review. For some reason, they didn't like the element of the dice rolling but they embraced the concept of the game (except the gamer geeks) but I wasn't done. Some things still needed fixing so the plans in the future are as follows...
I plan to make simple icons for the top of the tokens for easy reference. Upping the number of players to six. Splitting the mat into two 4x4 sections because, well, I like the dice, as do my friends. So part of the ship mat will have components that work when the dice are in play and on the other side, different abilities for when the dice are not in play. I love the dice but I can make the game cheaper by making them optional and having them as an expansion.