Chomping Maze Fun
Number of Players
Recommended Ages
Time to Play
45 minutes
Mechanics Used
Map Building, Maze Navigation, Binge Eating
Elevator Pitch
Completion Status
A simple, quick map building and tile laying game in which players take the role of gigantic puppies marching through the caverns to satisfy a hunger for Imps.
Complete. Ready to publish. May use slight tweaking.
A Tale of Revenge and Energy Drinks..
The game of Imps vs Puppies has ended and while the Imps took off, the crates kept dropping and eventually, some puppies got out. While Imped Energy Drink is fine for malicious spirits, it's a bit too much for the puppies as they were to incredible sizes with incredible hungers. The Imps returned to see, to their terror, massive puppies who believed the Imps were the most delicious looking things ever. Thus the puppies are now chasing through the caverns on an Imp Chomping quest.
In Puppies versus Imps, all the players start in a central location and, as they explore flipped tiles, chase down the many Imps still not in hiding. If they cross a space with an Imp, they chomp the little bugger down. Imped Energy Drink, meanwhile, fuels their special abilities. Then of course, there is the Event Deck.
Divided into a number of piles equal to the number of players, the player flips a new event card either at the beginning or the end of their turn. These cards could do nothing, or trigger handicaps or boosts, or even bring more Imps out of hiding. The first player to eat 10 Imps is the winner.
Some could make the argument that this is the father of Inca Rush. The elements are there, after all. Hex cards, things to be gathered up, and a race to acquire them all. But there is also the question of the event deck which, I feel, makes this a unique maze racer. In general, the design decisions were made because I promised a friend, Danalynn, that if I made a game where Imps smashed puppies, I would make a game where Puppies got their revenge. Currently, the biggest issue in the game is the fact that no players use the fire breath ability so that needs changed. Especially since two of my favorite event art pieces of artwork rely on that ability.
Oh yeah. This game is largely completed except for a few minor tweaks.