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Video Game Violence

Video Game Violence

Number of Players


Recommended Ages


Time to Play

30 minutes

Mechanics Used

Trick Taking, Special Abilities, Pixel Art

Elevator Pitch

Completion Status

A Trick-Taking game based on video game genres and theme.  Faeries battle Dwarves battle Pirates battle Aliens for bounties.

Complete. Ready to publish.  Needs final art.

In this trick taking game, each player has a set of cards and they have to be the highest number below the current targets strength. Otherwise, the target would just run away. Each card sent increases or decreases the bounty on the target. Then, of course, there are the bosses who just show up to mess everything up. As a target, they defeat everyone's strongest character and, as a hunter, they are the trump for the sigil of the round.

Video Game Violence

This was the version taken to Protospiel Milwaulkee. It tested well, even with some tweaks made at the convention. But Jason Glover mentioned pixel art is the current new hotness and the video game theme would probably do much better for this game so my reaction was essentially, yeah, let's do it. So further tweaking was made, the removal of the penalty for Zombies... who were replaced with bosses and now it exists in it's current form.


Largely completed from a design perspective, super time consuming pixel art needed for the rest before this game is ready.

The History of Pixel Bit Beatdown

Boss Monsters

It all started with a bit of a challenge. The Faeries claimed they could win in a fight if they were just a bit bigger, the Ninjas claimed the Demons had an unfair advantage, and the Time Travelers just mocked everyone. Thus the challenge was issued of a massive brawl. Video Game characters leaped out in droves to hunt down the person who would be the target and the Pixel Bit Beatdown began.


Sigils? Why yes. Each character has a sigil and one sigil exists in each set of characters. Sigils are the key to using a characters special abilities. So if the target has the green sigil, any character played with the green sigil gets to activate their ability. So with 12 different character classes ranging from Vampires to Aliens, the abilities become a bit of a puzzle for each round. Be the person with the most gold at the end of the game to win.

Final Card

I love Imps vs Puppies. I genuinely enjoy playing it but it is a super complex trick taking game and I wanted to make one that was much simpler to play. I was also tired of zombie games... which is why Anything but Zombies was born. The initial form of this game, it was a bit of a mixture of everything and Zombies being the worst card in the game. Tweak, tweak, tweak, adjust... Zombies Ruin Everything was born.

Just a few of the characters
Sketch to Pixel
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