A mad race through a jungle maze.
Number of Players
Recommended Ages
Time to Play
30-60 minutes
Mechanics Used
Tile laying, race, maze navigation
Elevator Pitch
Completion Status
A finalist in the Game Crafters Map Building game design contest, this is an easy to understand, edge of the seat, casual game. Players rush around to be the first to collect 6 idols and win the game.
Finished. Ready to publish. Currently available for sale at TGC
Be the first to the treasures
You're on a reality TV Show where you rush through the jungles of South America to gain the 6 different colored idols and make it back to base camp before anyone else. Success is hard fought and being the loner could cost you the game.
On a players turn, they either reveal a new tile to add to the jungle board, or they can move back through it. Each new altar discovered adds the much sought after Idols and it's a shame but each player can only capture one from each altar. Fortunately, racing your competitors to the revealed altars could mean competitors work is your gain. But the jungle is also filled with hazardous roadblocks and one way paths. It will take skill and a little luck, to win out on this battle.
Within 6 hours of the Map-Building Contest reveal at The Game Crafter, I was at staples printing out early tiles. The first play test went so well, I was afraid something tragic was wrong and then I debuted the game at my local library, where it almost broke. Five of the altars were revealed in the first five tile draws, making the starting tile potentially dead end. What were the odds? Five of the twelve altar tiles in a 79 tile draw pool?
The History of Inca Rush

After nearly watching it crash and burn, I added “starter tiles” which ensured the game would begin without a stall. All that needed to be done now was the final artwork and this design went surprisingly well. So well that it was a finalist in the Map Builder design contest at The Game Crafter.
So I threw it up for sale on The Game Crafter and 5 weeks later, it happened. That thing every game designer fears and yet rarely comes to pass. You see, when I made Inca Rush, no games of the genre existed like mine. Rushing through a jungle for treasure was a surprisingly untouched theme. So imagine my surprise when Relic Expedition hit Kickstarter. Sure, there was enough different between the games that we weren't really competing but the “ripoff” claim could be made. Just like that, three new games were announced, one recently by Days of Wonder with the same theme. Inca Rush is currently for sale primarily because it's a good game and it's not like I can impact their sales but it is desperately in need of a new theme so any plans for expansions have been stopped for the time being.