Unleash the Beast
Number of Players
Recommended Ages
Time to Play
10 minutes
Mechanics Used
Solo, Dice Rolling, Energy Management, Easy Expansion
Elevator Pitch
Completion Status
The perfect filler while waiting for a game, Fight Dice is a simple yet nail-biting action battle with an 18 card deck.
Needs artwork, aside from that, 100% complete and ready to publish.
It's okay to fight with yourself
Sometimes you just want a nice, solo filler game. One in which you dodge, duck, weave, power up, and eventually punch and horribly disfigure a random fighter, teaching them a lessons for picking on you. But seriously though, Fight Dice is a solo style game that takes it's cues from games like Punch-Out, Telero Boxer, and Street Fighter.
Fight Dice, currently, has a single die and a single opponent. An Opponent deck is 18 cards meant to be shuffled and rolled against. So you start with full health and 6 stamina. You reveal the top card and you must roll the result to either avoid damage or inflict damage on your opponent. Keep revealing and rolling against cards until one of you is knocked out. On the die, there is also blue dots on the sides. At any time, you can spend stamina to rotate the die in one of those directions towards your desired result. There are some ways in decks to recover stamina. And that's basically all there is to this game in it's current form. A nice, quick, 10-15 minutes duel with a deck of cards.
Believe it or not, this games existence owes itself to the creation of the 18 card booster packs on The Game Crafter. I had the idea for a game that would expand in 18 card packs and was a Microgame by itself. What ended up happening was a system with a custom die, some small components, and me scowling at a small deck of cards. The question of “who would play a solo game” was never asked as I found more than one occasion arriving too late to join a game with a 20-30 minute wait and this game fits that bill.
So why is it named Fight DICE? Well, because I currently have a bit of a “street fighter” die but someone mentioned it would be awesome to have a Kendo die. Someone else mentioned a Karate die. Before I knew it, I discovered I could create an entire set of different types of die with different manipulation techniques. As this sunk it, the idea for having a different opponent for each die seemed a natural fit. But more importantly, I wanted this to be a fun little system with a community built up around it.
So that means this system will be released under an agreement that anyone can make and sell a deck for this system with the following understandings. The first is that a universal card format must be adhered to. The second is that official icons must be used in the game to match the dice that are released. The third is, well, I get a deck for free. Daddy needs to wet his beak after all. The final condition and the most important, the base set can NEVER be sold by anyone but me. In other words, I plan to make the opening set as cheap as I can so it would be appreciated if, when I let people sell their own decks, they don't undercut me on the core system. In exchange, I'll provide all the icons someone needs to make their own 18 card decks.